Sunday, 17 December 2017

Provincial President Peter's Peregrinations (continued)

October started with a visit to Cork; Joan and I were there for a couple of weeks visiting relatives, and we joined up for a couple of days with a hardy group of visitors from Lytham St Annes Circle (and one or two others), under the leadership of Tony and Kelly. Here we are at Jamesons distillery in Midleton, enjoying the tasting ...

The return journey - for all except those who use Hanley Airlines - was "different" - although a 7 hour delay at Cork airport became rather tedious ... but compensation helped ease the pain (eventually).

A great night was had by all at Burnley Circle's 1100th meeting (well organised by Terry and the Brothers), and then the first of two Provincial events in the quarter took place - the Mass for deceased Brothers and family members. This was celebrated for the first time at Our Lady and St Edward's, Fulwood by Rev Canon Bob Horn. I also attended Mass for deceased at Preston, Preston South, Preston and District, Accrington and Garstang Circles.

Burnley Circle Ladies Night was a great success - thanks again to Terry, the Brothers and ladies - and I then had the honour of judging the Blackburn with Ribble Valley Christmas jumper competition. Here are the brave competitors

Winner was Mike O'Grady, far left - he was really lit up! Well done, Mike!

Chorley Circle celebrated their 1200th meeting, in the presence of National President Peter and Joan Rogers. The evening was very enjoyable, and very well organised by Terence, the Brothers and ladies.

The Provincial Christmas event - Christmas Starts Here! - was well supported by many Circles, and the audience was entertained by the Accrington choir under the leadership of Maestro David Cockett; Mrs Anne Beesley, wife of President Chris, of Broughton-in-Craven Circle; and The Valley Singers under the musical directorship of Chris Beardsley, accompanied by James Hawkes.

"A Lad In Verse" was also performed by a group of Circle Presidents and partners (oh yes it was!) and here's Wishy Washy and Princess Hoo Iz Shee's maid relaxing afterwards ...

The main raffle prize - an overnight stopover at Tankersley Manor Hotel, to help Joan and I taste and decide the menu for the Saturday Gala Dinner at the Provincial Weekend - was won by Mike and Celia Neil, and the four of us will be going across to Barnsley in the New Year for the tasting.

As well as the Provincial weekend, we have the Past Presidents' lunch on 21 January at Ferrari's to look forward to in the final quarter of our year, and I'm sure many enjoyable Circle meetings, after proceedings and events around Province.

Joan and I would like to wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas, and a great New Year!

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