
Monday, 2 December 2019


Lytham St Annes Circle after meeting entertainment event in October following our normal meal with our Ladies was a DEBATE. There was no vote taken afterwards as the purpose of the debate was to stimulate future thoughts on the various discussions taking place outside our Circle.
“This house considers whether the Central Council and GB National Council should allow individual Circles to enrol women as full members of their Circle and hence of the Association.”

FOR the Motion: Brother Elwyn Smith                       AGAINST the Motion: Brother Mike O’Malley

Here is a summary of the main arguments expressed.

Pope John XXIII coined the term ‘aggiornamento’, meaning bringing up-to-date by renewal and adaptation, in his call for the Second Vatican Council and this has resonated through the Church ever since. This debate is not about trying to redress the decline in numbers within GBNC Circles or about encouraging wives and widows who are already a part of our Catenian Family. It is about others who are not here, but might like to be here in future, benefiting their lives, their faith, their families, friendships and the future of our Association. This debate is about moving from a policy of exclusion, about embracing inclusion in the future vision of our Association and being more reflective of our times. It is about embracing a more inclusive approach on social issues and the reality of the current active, largely female, lay members of our parishes, throughout Great Britain. Together, let us bring our Association up-to-date by being open and unafraid to change. As Saint John Henry Newman wrote “to live is to change”.    

While accepting the need for change in our Association, I believe that the proposed Revolutionary change is a step too far. The changes in and to our Association that I have observed during my 46 years of membership, have been evolutionary in nature, accepted by the membership, and have helped to broaden the appeal of, and goodwill within our Association. Despite being concerned for the long term future of our Association, at this point in time, my watchword is “if it ain't broke don't fix it.”

After the November meeting the entertainment was our DOMINOES Championship.  It’s a knockout competition played with players drawn against each other by referee Mike O’Malley.  Each couple play the best of three until eventually it came down to the final.  The Ladies final was between two of our own ladies with Helene Smith beating Anne-Marie O'Malley. The Men’s final was between the VPs, Provincial VP Bernard Swarbrick of Broughton-in-Craven and LSA Circle VP Charles Murphy. and the winner was ... Bernard.  Congratulations to all.

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