
Thursday, 23 March 2017


Prior to the meeting of Chorley Circle on Monday, 13th March, Bro. Grand President and his wife Eileen had expressed a desire to do ‘something different and dangerous’!
Unfortunately, as white water rafting is not available on the River Yarrow on Mondays, an alternative plan had to be implemented.
So, Chorley Brothers Nick Hanley and Terence Donnelly, with their wives Kate and Sandra respectively, entertained David and Eileen to afternoon tea at the Mad Hatters Tea House in Longton.

The photo shows the ‘Catenian Six’ enjoying the ‘dangerous’ practice of eating too much prior to the three-course evening meal after Chorley’s Circle meeting. From left to right we have Grand President Bro. David Rowley, Chorley Vice President and Province 10 Treasurer Bro. Terence Donnelly, Mrs Kate Hanley, Chorley’s Provincial Councillor Bro. Nick Hanley, Mrs Sandra Donnelly, and Mrs Eileen Rowley.

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