
Saturday, 11 April 2015

A New Brother for Broughton-in-Craven Circle

Broughton-in-Craven were delighted to welcome a new member at their meeting in April. Chris Beesley was, until last month, president at Wokingham Circle but has now moved up north to enjoy the more varied countryside in the north-west. Here he can practise his fell running and walking interests.

Chris says "Anne and I met at Newcastle University in 1971 and have now been married for 41 years. We have three daughters and two grandsons. I worked as a teacher and then a university lecturer before stopping full-time work last summer. We moved to Settle in August and having been a Catenian for ten years, I am delighted to be joining Broughton-in-Craven Circle where I have been made most welcome."

As a circle we are delighted to welcome him and Anne and look forward to many years of membership. Our April meeting was also our installation evening at which Brother Franklin Schutz became our new circle President. We wish him and his wife Deirdre a most successful and enjoyable year. Brother Chris Nash was also installed as the Circle Membership Officer. Chris has new, possibly 'younger' ideas for how our circle can move forward and we will support him fully in finding new members who will develop the circle in the years to come. One of the ideas he is considering is looking at the fees structure for a new member in order to remove some of the initial financial burden especially for potential younger members. We are delighted to have two visiting gentlemen and look forward to the circle continuing to go from strength to strength.

It was an excellent evening with most of the Province 10 Provincial Council officers in attendance along with two of Chris's fellow Wokingham Brothers who had travelled to Broughton for the occasion. The Ladies enjoyed a 'beetle drive' and made plenty of noise which could at time be heard as laughter over spilling into the meeting room. Afterwards we enjoyed a buffet and and a chance to chat together.

(Left to right)

Brother Franklin Schutz, Circle President.  Brother Chris Beesley, our new member. Brother Ken Dennis, Provincial President and Brother Chris Nash Circle membership officer.

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