
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Broughton in Craven Circle raise £1700 for Junior SVP and Rainbows.

Over the Presidential year we have been raising money for the junior Saint Vincent De Paul and Rainbows groups at Saint John Fisher and Thomas More RC High School Colne. Brother President Chris Bohills wanted to support a youth initiative that would affect the local communities in which our members live. Last October Tina Fishwick school Chaplain came to talk to the circle and explained how funding would enable the pupils to make external visits, arrange outings and provide materials to greatly enhance what is already being done. Chris Bohills the circle President was a past Headteacher at the school retiring in 2013. We all felt that this would be a really beneficial local project to support.

As well as the normal charity fundraising events Mrs Maureen Murgatroyd and Brother Bernard Heys organised an excellent evening to commemorate the 1st World war. Brother Robert Greenwood also donated monies raised as donations to charity from his 60th birthday afternoon tea. All in all £1700 was raised and the cheque presented following a Mass with the pupils on Tuesday 24th march.

Rainbows is a project which trains staff to work with bereaved children and is achieving outstanding results where many pupils in the past suffered great stress. Tina Fishwick and Brigida Greenwood wife of Brother Robert are active officers of the association. President Chris Bohills would like to thank all circle members for the support given during the year in raising such a pleasing amount. Following the presentation Brother Chris said that young people often get a bad name nowadays but these youngsters give us a real hope for a better future.

The picture, taken at the presentation in the school Chapel shows,Centre: Brother President Chris Bohills presenting the cheque after Mass.
To his right are Eddie and Maureen Murgatrotd then Carmel and Bernard Heys.

To his left are Robert and Brigida Greenwood then far left Bernard Swinson and Fr Chris Gorton who celebrated the Mass for us. The pupils are a mixture of year 9, 10 1nd 11 who are active in the Junior SVP and Rainbows. All together over 50 pupils were involved across the school.

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