
Monday, 6 October 2014

North Lancashire students visit Uganda

Our Lady's Catholic College, Lancaster,  sent a group of students with some teachers to Uganda in July to do student workshops, teacher training courses, sharing skills and music and getting to know fellow students in several schools in a remote district of Uganda.

They raised £18,000 for the trip before they went, not all for their travelling costs in getting there. They sent £3,500 ahead of their arrival, which was used to build a library/communal centre where they met with some of the Ugandan students when they arrived there.

The group took with them in their luggage, scientific instruments, books, computer equipment, musical instruments and basics such as pencils and pens etc, which were  purchased from the money, (many thousands of pounds worth), they had raised to give to the schools they visited.

They gave an excellent  presentation on their return, to the people, organisations and businesses who supported the project.

The photo shows the group together with (left) Wilf Gill (President of North Lancs Circle)  and Bill Arnold (Charity Officer N Lancs Circle) (right).

North Lancs Circle supported this venture from their own funds. 

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